Wilt Chamberlain, the Hall of Famer, has a reputation for initially exaggerating his relationships, having once stated he had slept with over 20,000 women before later retracting those claims.
It comes as no surprise that when asked how he would have performed if he had played in the 1990s, he did not back down in a 1997 interview with NBC’s Bob Costas.
Chamberlain, of course, went too far.
“Now that I have the ball, instead of having two or three guys and [Bill Russell] all on me at the same time, I’m by myself with one guy,” Chamberlain remarked. “The new rules, which are all slanted to help the offense.” “I’d adore that. That would be wonderful for me. A game with fifty, sixty, or even seventy points.”
Chamberlain serves as evidence that gamers from the 1960s and 1970s are no less critical of the game today than those from the 1980s and 1990s. The older generation seems to always believe that the old school was superior to the new one. Just have fun with any debate involving LeBron James and Michael Jordan.
Playing in the NBA from 1958 to 1973, Chamberlain was arguably the most dominant player in history. It would have been intriguing to observe how he fared in that era against players like David Robinson, Shaquille O’Neal, Patrick Ewing, and Hakeem Olajuwon.
Back then, Chamberlain remarked, “It’s easier now.” “I was too strong and too quick. I am not going to be defeated by one guy in that specific manner. The top basketball players I’ve ever watched competed in the `50s and `60s.”