Bad news: Manchester city ex player suddenly passed away today

I previously wrote about Neil’s grueling battle with illness, and I think the countless comments and overwhelming outpouring of love from the City faithful that he got before his untimely passing encouraged him.

Numerous thousands of football fans will remember Neil today, and he will always be a part of Manchester United’s finest team’s history and culture.


I can’t think of a better way to express my sorrow over the passing of one of Manchester and Manchester City’s finestMany would contend that during City’s successful Mercer-Allison era, Neil Young was the most crucial of all their forwards. During the 1965–1966 Second Division Championship season and the League Championship season the following year, he unquestionably scored the most goals. He and Colin Bell both scored more goals for the team during 1968 and 1969. sons than to paraphrase Gary James’ comments from his book Manchester The finest City.

Many would argue that Neil Young was the most important of City’s forwards during the successful Mercer-Allison era. He undoubtedly scored the most goals during the League Championship season in the next year and the 1965-1966 Second Division Championship season. In 1968 and 1969, he and Colin Bell both contributed more goals to the team.

He undoubtedly counted himself lucky to have missed the notorious 2-1 loss to Swindon on January 16, 1965, which led to the firing of manager George Poyser. Young’s career was really benefited by the move since, under Mercer and Allison, he appeared to improve as a stronger, better attacker. He undoubtedly profited from Allison’s instruction and coaching methods, but Mercer always believed that Young was the best player on his team: “He has more talent than anyone else in the club.” With a deadly left foot, six feet tall. His right foot also functions! He truly possesses everything.


Young never possessed the same level of self-assurance as other players like Summerbee and Lee, which alarmed Mercer. However, Allison’s time and effort were important in Young’s growth in that direction. However, it must be noted that Young was never the kind of player to brag about his accomplishments or his role in City’s numerous successes; instead, he let his play on the field demonstrate his talent. Sadly, Young was rarely given the credit he deserved in the media, and by the middle of the 1980s, few people outside of Manchester were truly aware of what the player had accomplished. The focus on Bell, Lee, and Summerbee always seems to dominate videos and publications about City’s finest players, with Young’s significance being hardly discussed. This is wrong.


Young should be remembered for his many noteworthy accomplishments at Maine Road as well as his frequently important objectives. With the exception of the League Cup Final, he took the field in each important game during the Mercer-Allison era. He was only benched from that game because Allison and Mercer believed his focus should be elsewhere given that he had recently become a father.



He was relocated to Preston in January 1972 after receiving a benefit match offer. When the Blues’ ongoing boardroom political disputes were resolved, the new administration rejected Young’s assertion. The incident horrified many of the former hero’s admirers, and he shunned the stadium for a considerable amount of time. Stories of Young’s treatment began to surface after the late 1980s fanzine movement took off, and in 1991, actions were made by a number of supporters groups to demonstrate that the fans still had a strong bond with Young even though the directors did not. Many evenings featured Young as the special guest.


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