NEW YORK Peter Graf is a person with a hard exterior. Steffi Graf, the top-ranked female tennis player in the world, is his daughter; she is also her coach and father. In that capacity, he has gained a reputation as a tough businessman, a man with a temper, and a strict taskmaster in the tennis community. ADVHowever, Peter Graf sounds like any devoted parent while speaking about his daughter. His blue eyes gleam, his speech is gentle, and his pride is palpable. After an early practice session this morning, he sat and talked about Steffi’s social life while drinking a Coke. He remarked, “I think he has to be a sportsman or a tennis player when she finds someone.” It will be challenging for him to comprehend her passion for tennis if it isn’t.
The typical eighteen-year-old daughter entered while the father was still speaking. She had on a striped shirt and faded blue pants. She held an audio set in one hand and sunglasses on the other. She was headed into Manhattan to get her brother, who turned sixteen lately, a birthday present.
“I’m bringing him along to make my decision,” she said. It’s a lot simpler that way. Her father took a seat next to her and gave her a tender touch on the knee. “You mean there’s no husband for you?” he asked, grinning. “Not while I’m your father.”
Rolling her eyes, Steffi Graf said. Peter Graf remarked, “Okay, let me tell you something.” It is possible for you to have a husband in the future life. Steffi Graf chuckled, obviously at ease with her father’s playful jabs. She remarked, “He relieves me of the pressure.” “I don’t make people upset with me. They become enraged with him.