Charlie Hustle made the huge mistake of betting on Reds games while managing them, and I believe he was even betting while he played for them. (I’m not sure as I caught the end of his career.) I think there might be a very very slim chance he gets in on Veterans Committee vote after he departs life, but I’m not going to hold my breath. Hustle was banned for life and never got in.
Why does Pete Rose attend each year’s Baseball Hall of Fame induction? Mostly money; the last time I looked, he spent the entire day in one store selling autographs for $70. In addition, he attends because he feels that he ought to be a member of the Hall and wants to remind others of this. Despite his outward denials, his only regret is that he was discovered.
Baseball Hall of Fame inductees are prohibited from being expelled from the league. Rose assumed he would soon be restored, so he consented to a ban in order to avoid penalty for his gambling. You may say that he lost when he rolled the dice. A more deserved man could not have been the recipient of it.