Larry Bird, the main adversary of Magic Johnson, frequently appears in the HBO series “Winning Time.” This is an analysis of the performer portraying the legendary Boston Celtics player.The actor assigned to the role of Larry Bird is Sean Patrick Small. While he has made appearances in a number of films and television shows, “Winning Time” is one of his most well-known roles. Small has appeared in seven episodes thus far.
Small mentioned that getting to play the NBA legend in a show is a “dream come true” for him after landing the part.
“As one of the best basketball players of all time, if not the greatest, I get to play basketball, act, and get paid to do it,” Small remarked.
Small had read up on Bird and his travels even before he was cast in the part. He contributed to a miniseries centered on the life of the Boston Celtics icon while he was a high school and college student. He had no idea that it would eventually help him get a chance to play the Hall of Fame forward on television.
One problem faced by Sean Patrick Small during his role as Larry Bird in “Winning Time”
The fact that Sean Patrick Small played basketball in high school has also aided him in his role as Larry Bird. Nevertheless, it didn’t adequately prepare him for his on-set duties
Bird is shown playing in a pair of blue jeans in one episode. Small later acknowledged that one of the biggest difficulties he had throughout the shoot was this.
Practice was something I made sure to do. Nobody ever really anticipated that I would show up to rehearsals in jeans, but I knew that was what I had to do to make sure that on the day of the performance, everything would seem authentic,” Small remarked.
It may have been difficult to play in jeans, but Small needs to enjoy himself while filming. He expressed his enjoyment in mimicking some of Bird’s most famous maneuvers without hesitation.
“I really enjoy filming those sequences in which I’m hitting one-leg shots over two or three opponents, slapping passes, and not looking at the ball. It really shows what an incredible player Bird was at the time—that he was unstoppable,” Small said.